Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I read a book named Monster over the summer. This book is about a young black man named Steve Harmon. Steve might go to jail or prison because they think that he might be involved in a robbery and the killing of a store owner. Steve was not involved in the crime, even though the jury might think he is guilty. This guy named James King was the real killer but he is blaming it all on Steve. Steve is a good kid, but he is seen as a young hooligan by adults. He is very scared that the judge also thinks of him in a bad way. If the jury finds him guilty then he could be sentenced for life in prison!

Steve's lawyer is a woman named Mrs. O'Brien. Steve feels comfortable around her. He he can express his feelings to Mrs. O'Brien, but when it comes to the judge he is always scared like a mouse when a cat is chasing it. Whenever Steve is asked a question he jumbles up his words and sometimes the words do not even come out of his mouth because he is so nervous.

Steve always writes down word for word what anybody says in the courtroom. He does this because he says when this problem is all over and solved, he wants to make a movie out of his whole situation. He is on a movie club and he loves the idea of making his own movie, especially one about his trial.

Steve Harmon is a young, black sixteen year old boy. He is scrawny looking. He is a pretty nice kid and it seems that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is petrified of going to jail, especially since he did not commit the crime. Steve is a likable person and he is sensitive to what is going on. He is close to his mother and is hurt when she does not believe his story about the murder.

I think Steve will stay out of trouble in the future because he will be more aware of the consequences of his and other peoples actions. He is so relieved to not go to jail, that he will be careful to stay away from bad situations. I hope he becomes a movie maker.

Mrs. O'Brien is Steve's lawyer. She is a caring and compassionate person. Mrs. O'Brien tries hard to help Steve feel more comfortable about speaking in front of the judge. Mrs. O'Brien helped Steve deal with his scary feelings.

I think if I was in trouble like Steve, I would want someone like Mrs. O'Brien to be there to help me in the courthouse. She showed Steve respect even though he was just a young black hooligan according to others. She listened to him and made him feel like there was hope.

I enjoyed the book and liked reading about Steve and his life. I did not enjoy all of the details the author gave about the courthouse and his trial. I enjoyed the flashbacks about Steve's past when he was living at home.

The book was very life like. The author used a lot of details about the courtroom and the jail setting that it was easy to see vivid mental images of the characters and settings in
my mind.

I made connections to the story because I could relate to Steve and his emotions about going to jail. He was terrified and I think I would be too. He also showed courage by getting through all of the tough emotions and surviving the entire trial.

The book would have been more enjoyable if there was less information about the courtroom setting. It seemed to be more details than anyone needed. I would have fixed the book by cutting out a lot of the courtroom story line.

Monster was written by Walter Dean Myers. Mr Myers also wrote a book called Scorpions. This book is about a gang known as the Scorpions. The gang goes around terrorizing the school and the town.