Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Forged By Fire

PLOT SUMMARY I read the book Forged by Fire. This book is about a boy
named Gerald. Gerald’s mother, Monique has a drug addiction. Gerald lived with Monique until one day when the police found out about Monique’s addiction. Gerald was too young to understand what was happening with his mother. He just thought his mother smelled the white powder and that was why it was on her nose. When Monique got thrown in jail, Gerald had no home, so he had to stay with his Aunt Queen. Aunt Queen was a loving and caring person. After a few years of living with Aunt Queen, his thoughts of his mother began to fade.
After many happy years of living with Aunt Queen, his mother suddenly came back into his life. She had remarried and much to Gerald’s surprise, he now had a new father (Jordan) and sister (Angel). Gerald liked his sister, but he doesn’t seem to fall for his new rugged, smoking father. Monique immediately asks Gerald to come and live with her once more. Gerald despises his mother because of what she has done to him and he says NO! He would never want to live with her again. Unfortunately, the day Gerald said ‘NO’, was also the day his Aunt Queen died of a heart attack. Gerald was devastated. Now Gerald has no place to live. The only place for him to live is his Mother, Monique's, house.

After a few weeks of living with Jordan Gerald finds out that Jordan is abusive to Monique and Gerald, but worst of all he molests Angel. When Gerald finds out about Angel he flips out with anger! Gerald and Angel have grown a special bond and he doesn’t want anyone making Angel feel uncomfortable or abusing her. Gerald tells his friend Robbie's dad about Jordan’s behavior and the dad contacted the police. Jordan is sent to court and he is sentenced to prison.

Life without Jordan is great. No one is abusing or molesting anyone. Gerald and Angel are happy until Jordan gets out of jail, on probation, and starts living with Gerald and the rest of his family. Monique is glad to have him back, but neither Gerald or Angel are happy. Angel is so afraid of him that she vomits almost every time she sees him. After a few weeks with Jordan living with them Jordan seems to have actually learned his lesson.

Gerald is on the Hazelwood basketball team. He is a great player and he enjoys the team because his friend Robbie is on the team aned he is a funny guy. After one of their games Robbie and 3 other kids on the basketball team went out to get a few beers and maybe hit the club. Gerald was asked if he wanted to join them, but he turned down the offer. During the car ride, the driver crashed into a wall while drunk and Robbie died. When Gerald finds out about Robbie, he is devistated.

One day Gerald goes to shoot hoops and when he comes back he doesn't like what he sees. He sees the house on fire and when he walks in the door he sees Angel crying in her room with Jordan with her. Gerald quickley realizes that Jordan is molesting her. Gerald can't believe his eyes. How stupid could Jordan be? He shouldn't be molesting her, let alone even be in the building. Gerald starts screaming at Jordan, but Jordan doesn't take him seriously so he just throws a punch and it knocks Gerald's head into the TV. Gerald is not a little kid anymore he can take a punch. Gerald throws back a punch, but misses and Jordan kicks him in the shin with his steel toe cowboy boots and then ran out of the house. It was then that Gerald realized that he couldn't breathe because of the fire. He wanted to just let the flames take him away, but he knew he had to save Angel who was unconsious. He grabbed Angel and pulled her through the door onto the safe hallway of the apartment where the firefighters gave both of them oxygen masks.