Sunday, January 27, 2008


PLOT SUMMARY I read the book Hoops by Walter Dean Myers. Hoops is about a boy named Lonnie Jackson who is really good at basketball. Lonnie is just another poor kid on the streets of New York, except for when he plays basketball. He is a great basketball player. Lonnie and all of his friends love to play basketball and they even have their own basketball court. One day Lonnie and his friends are going to the basketball court and they see a drunk man standing there. He says his name is Cal. Cal says that he beats Lonnie in a 1 on 1 basketball game, he will become Lonnie's teams basketball coach. Lonnie says okay, thinking he will crush Cal, but Lonnie ends up losing and now Cal is Lonnie's coach. Lonnie gets mad because he lost, but after a while Cal and Lonnie become friends. Lonnie's team enters a the big citywide tournament and they get to the championships. Lonnie finds out that some bettors want Cal to blow the game. Cal ends up playing Lonnie in the way end of the game and they end up winning. When the gamblers notice that Lonnie is in the game they take Cal into the locker room and stab him.Cal dies.

CHARACTER Lonnie is the main character in this book. Lonnie is an amazing basketball player. He is also really selfish in the beginning of the book. He acts like he is the best basketball player in the world. Then, at the end of the story he becomes very caring and unselfish.

MY THOUGHTS I thought the book was very good because every part of it had you wanting to know what was going to happen next. Whenever Mr. D or Mr. A told us to stop reading I would be disappointed because I wanted to read more.

7 READING STRATEGIESOne of the 7 reading strategies I used was mental images. I love reading Walter Dean Myers books (if you haven't noticed yet) because he is so descriptive. Whenever he introduces a character he says exactly what they look and act like, so you can picture them in your mind.

AUTHOR Walter Dean Myers is the author of my book. He is probably my favorite author. I love reading his books. I have read a lot of books by him like Monster, Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary, and Somewhere In The Darkness. I liked them all.

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