Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Classroom: Ben Franklin - Part 2

PLOT SUMMARY: According to this show, "Ben Franklin loved women and women loved him back". During the time period of 1776 to 1785 Franklin was in France. There are a lot of stories involving Franklin with women in France. One story was of Madame Brion. Madame Brion lived next door to Franklin and they developed a very strong relationship, privately through letters. It was like a father, daughter relationship between Franklin and Brion. He actually also had very strong relationships with 4 other women secretly, through letters.
Franklin was described as cold and aloof (distant) with his family. He had one son named William who was an illegitimate son. He also had another son named Francis, but they called him Frankie. Frankie died at 4 years old from the small pox and Franklin felt guilt for the death because he had not been there to support his son. Franklin also had a daughter named Sarah or Sally. Franklin was hardly ever with his family. He was away from his wife, Debbie, for 20 years of their marriage. The main area where Franklin failed in life was his family. One day when Franklin was away in France, Debbie, Franklin's wife, had a stroke. Debbie wanted Franklin to come home, but he did not want to go back home and so he stays in France. At that time Franklin had not seen his wife in 7 years. Franklin was not as distant with his son William. He actually had a strong relationship with William. They were even business partners. After working together for many years, there was a big conflict between the two. William decided to stay loyal to the England crown, but Ben Franklin wanted to fight for the American rebels. William's son, Temple, sides with his grandfather, Ben Franklin, and the rebels. Franklin cannot forgive his son, William, for not siding with him. Neither of them will apologize and the relationship was ruined. Franklin felt abandoned by his son. Now he lives with his daughter, Sarah.
When Ben Franklin was about 84 he started getting sick and he died. There were many people at his funeral. Ben Franklin was a big part America. He made the first political cartoon, was involved in the separation of church and state, reviewed and edited Thomas Jefferson's words for the Articles of Confederation, and arranged the Senate and House of Representatives.

CHARACTER: Ben Franklin was a very selfish man. It seemed as if he didn't care about anyone except for himself. He was a very self absorbed man. He was away from his wife for 20 years of their marriage and did not seem to really care about what his wife or children thought about him being away from them. When his wife got sick and had a stroke, he did not go home then to see how she was doing even though she asked him to come home.

YOUR THOUGHTS: I thought that Ben Franklin was stupid and smart at the same time. He was stupid with his family because he barely ever got to see them and he made no effort to be a good father or husband . He was smart because he was an intelligent man. He invented many things and structured much of the modern day America.

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