Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Classroom: Ben Franklin

PLOT SUMMARY: Benjamin Franklin was always about improving himself. At 19 years old, he ran away from home. He went to Philadelphia and he had no money, he was broke. Benjamin was a hard worker. He was the type of person that would show up to work early. He also always made sure that other people knew he was a hard worker. Ben Franklin wrote Poor Richard's Almanac and it is filled with many proverbs that are still used today. Two of the many proverbs in Poor Richard's Almanac are, 'Eat to live not live to eat' and 'Early to bed, early to rise'. Ben Franklin helped shape modern day America. For example, he started a discussion group for young business people. This group started the first voluntary fire department and the first public lending library. Ben Franklin also started the first non-religious college.

Benjamin Franklin was very religious. He thought all religions were great. He was very understanding of different religions. He donated to churches and even built a synagogue. Benjamin Franklin was also a big inventor. He invented a new Franklin stove, bifocals and made new alphabet with new letters in it. Franklin also made music by playing water glasses. He invented a instrument that had crystal bowls on a rod and they spun. As they were spinning you would dip your finger in water and place it on the edge of the bowl. This was Franklin's favorite invention. However, electricity was actually Ben Franklin's biggest invention. Franklin retired at 42 years old after he invented electricity. He was the first person to use electricity. Franklin wanted to prove that lightning was a form of electricity. He became well know for this experiment. In the end, Franklin did not get any money for his inventions.

Ben Franklin fought in the French and Indian War. Because of the war, the British raised the taxes. Franklin did not fight hard enough against taxes, so he looked bad. When Franklin went to court, he was against the Stamp Act. The British ended up taking back the Stamp Act because of Franklin. Franklin got respect back from the people because of this accomplishment. Franklin helped edit and draft the Constitution. When America had to face Britain during the American Revolution, Franklin went to France and asked King Louie directly to pay for America's war expenses. He knew that the French people loved him and despised the British. King Louie agreed to pay for the war.

CHARACTER: Ben Franklin was a hard working and intelligent man. He had many ideas for inventions. Franklin not only had many creative ideas, but he also knew how to put his ideas into action. Franklin was a very hard working man.

MY THOUGHTS:Ben Franklin was a very smart man. He invented so many things. I was very surprised about that because he had a very busy life and I was amazed that he still had the time to invent all of these magnificent things. His inventions ranged from an instrument to electricity. Without Ben Franklin and electricity than I would not be typing on this computer right now!

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